An introduction to the lecturers, the structure and delivery of the module, assignment structure and submission, etc.
Software Paradigms
The term 'Paradigm' is sometimes used to attempt to encapsulate a mind-set associated with different movements in programming. Here we try to characterise what this means, and walk though some of the paradigms, old and new, in the field.
Programming Language Evolution
The history of programming languages is a facinating and continually evolving discipline. We briefly review alternative 'forces' shaping this evolution, as well as inspecting the programming 'family tree'.
Programming Language Convergence
Having reviewed programming languages in general, we will walk through an extended example, exploring alternatives expressions of the same programme. This may yield some insights into current programming notations trends.
Lab-01 Eclipse & Java
The objective of this lab is to install and configure your development workstation and to bring into focus some of the terms and concepts covered in the opening lecture.
RefCardz: Agile Adoption
This ref card discusses agile adoption from the perspective of improving software quality.
RefCardz: Eclipse
This ref card is very useful for those new to the Eclipse IDE.